Garo: Red Requiem
Garo: Red Requiem is a 2010 Japanese 3-D superhero film directed by Keita Amemiya, produced by Tohokushinsha Film, and based on their tokusatsu series Garo. It was released in theaters on October 30, 2010.
Garo: Red Requiem
Ryosei Konishi reprises his role from the television series, while introducing new characters such as the one portrayed by Mary Matsuyama. Mika Hijii, who portrayed Kaoru in the original series, returns to voice a different character.
The catchphrase for the movie is “The Golden Knight Runs Into the 3D Hell!”. Red Requiem was released on Blu-ray/DVD on August 2, 2011 in Japan and on Blu-Ray in Region 1 areas on April 10, 2018 through Kraken Releasing.
Garo: Red Requiem
After the events of Beast of the Demon Night, Kouga received new orders to hunt and slay Apostle Horror Karma. Karma’s followers, Kurusu and Shion, have been luring various girls within a gothic club (called Crime) to send them into Karma’s mirror realm to be devoured.
Makai Priests Akaza, Shiguto, and Rekka were slaying a horror to save a baby when they realized the child is actually Apostle Horror Babel. Kouga arrives to help slay the demon, but Rekka interferes as she wants to personally defeat Babel. Kouga kept her aside and donned his armor to slay the horror.
Garo: Red Requiem
After the battle, everyone makes their introductions and Kouga explains he’s after Karma; Rekka declared Karma is her target and won’t allow anyone to interfere in avenging her father (killed knight). However, no one can find Karma despite the evil presence they are feeling around the city.
Garo: Red Requiem
The next day, Kouga found Rekka and asked why she’s after Karma. Rekka reasoned she became a priestess to take down horrors like Karma, but Kouga felt that’s a job for knights. Rekka argued that was a convenient imposition since it was the priests that first fought the horrors.
However, Zaruba argued the knights were created because the priests weren’t strong enough to handle the horrors in the first place. Rekka magically silenced Zaruba and made it clear she has the ability to seal horrors and storm off.
Garo: Red Requiem
Kouga later heads to Akaza’s shop for help to find Karma, but the priests have no clue in finding her. Even if they did find her, there was still the matter entering into her mirror dimension to slay her.
To enter her realm, you must either commit suicide or use the Demon Sword of Rubis, which Akaza has. Kouga decided to leave the sword behind and observe Rekka in training. Kouga noticed Rekka’s defensive stances need work and it triggered her to attack him; Kouga defeated her to prove her limitations.