Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight is an American television show originally aired on The CW during its CW4Kids programming block from December 13, 2008 to December 26, 2009. It is an adaptation of the Japanese tokusatsu show Kamen Rider Ryuki and is the second Kamen Rider show to be adapted and completely produced by an American TV production company, the first being Saban’s Masked Rider.

It was brought to television by Steve and Michael Wang and produced by Jimmy Sprague through Adness Entertainment.

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight

The series had a sneak premiere on December 13, 2008 and began official broadcasting on January 3, 2009, then continued throughout the year. Adness chose to adapt Ryuki over the other Heisei Rider shows as it has a large number of characters (Ryuki had 13 Riders in total) as well as a female Rider.

Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight

The CW had dropped Dragon Knight at the end of the year before its final two episodes aired in the US. The final episodes were uploaded to the 4Kids TV website on December 18, 2009. In 2012, all of the episodes were removed from the 4Kids TV website.

In 2010, Dragon Knight was nominated for and won the Daytime Emmy Award for “Outstanding Stunt Coordination”, a category introduced to the Daytime Emmys that year.Kamen Rider Dragon Knight

Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight

While searching for his missing father, Kit Taylor finds an Advent Deck—a special card deck that allows the carrier to transform into a Kamen Rider and utilize unique weapons and powers—and uses it to become Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.

He butts heads with Len, who serves as Kamen Rider Wing Knight, but the pair join forces after Kit learns that an alien warlord named Xaviax is responsible for his father’s disappearance and intends on abducting him and the entire human race to gain power and rebuild Xaviax’s homeworld.